Well, I have been writing this little blog off and on for about a year now.. and I guess I have never really taken the opportunity to share with my readers a little bit about myself. Well, for starters, for those of you who who don't know me.. my name is Ainsley Smith. I am 21 years old and I live in a small town outside of Vancouver, BC. I am definitely a city girl at heart, so spending my time downtown is defiantly a favorite past time of mine. I attend the University of the Fraser Valley, where I am obtaining a degree in Business Administration with a major in Marketing and a minor in Communications. It is a mixture of some of my favorite things I suppose. Upon completing my degree, I "plan" ( My plans change almost as much as I change my clothes... ) on going to school in New York City. Here I am going to study the Business of Fashion, so I can eventually pursue a career in the Fashion Industry.. not really sure of the specific field just yet. I have a wide variety of employment experience, so It kind of makes it hard for me to really know exactly what it is I want to do when I am older.. I have worked in retail for a number of years, I teach dance, work in an Accounting office, I have worked in a restaurant, as a personal assistant, as a customer service rep for a country club and I also spent the last summer working as a Junior Marketing assistant for Vancouver Fashion Week, which was an incredible experience. Currently I just fill my time with school, working in retail, teaching dance, and helping out in my dad's accounting office whenever I can.. and blogging of course! I like to be busy, it helps keep me motivated and focused on what is important.
As previously mentioned in my Welcome Back post, I talked about some of the New Years Resolutions that I have, but one of the important ones I kind of forgot to touch on is pretty personal. I feel that this year, I really need to find the real me again. I just got out of a 3.5 year relationship with the guy of my dreams and believe me, this is no picnic. I don't think I have ever felt this way before. I honestly feel like I lost my spark and I don't really know who I am as a person. It just down right sucks! So this year, I really want to concentrate on opening up as a individual, whether it is on my blog, or in everyday life. I need to get my independence and my spark back and I am actually really excited to do so. A wise woman once told me that sometimes you just need to let go of the past and look ahead. Because through every storm, there is a rainbow.
During 2012, I really hope to explore new career paths, meet new friends, travel and just have fun while doing it all. This is the year that I will find what makes me happy and I want to share it with everyone, every step of the way. For a while I was feeling pretty down on myself, which I find a little pathetic, because sadly, my ego is do big to admit it at times... But I know now, that feeling sorry for myself isn't going to get me anywhere and it sure isn't going to help me find Mr.right!
So here is to a new year and a new me.. A year full of adventure, happiness, laughter and maybe even love? Well, let's not get ahead of ourselves. I am just beyond excited to get my smile back and I hope this year, through my blog posts, or from other inspiration, everyone else can too:)
C'est Moi
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